Upgrade Your AI Skills
Recently there was a post on Reddit where a user shared how they speak to AI and was curious if others spoke similarly.
This got me thinking about a Star Trek - The Next Generation episode called "Q Who" which featured Ensign Sonya Gomez.
LAFORGE: We don't ordinarily say please to food dispensers around here.
SONYA: Well, since it's listed as intelligent circuitry, why not? After all, working with so much artificial intelligence can be dehumanising, right? So why not combat that tendency with a little simple courtesy. Thank you.
She was annoying in that episode and her take on speaking to AI is just plain silly. The rest of the ship is just as intelligent, if not many times more powerful than a food replicator.
"Computer, please fire torpedoes at the enemy vessel. Thank you, computer." "Computer, can you please adjust the trajectory of your last torpe....." and we're dead.
Anyways, she goes on to spill that hot chocolate all over herself and the Captain... so... yeah.

Imagine with me, this won't be hard. You sit on your couch and fire up Netflix. The show you want to watch is called "The <Movie>" When you go to search, would you write "The <Movie>" or skip "The", and just write the next word?
As a developer who measures their time in typing characters, it makes sense to drop this habit. Speak the same way they did in Star Trek. The computer is there to carry out your commands, just like the one you are using to read this post.
I see a lot of people starting off their input with "Can you....."
Simply remove that from the sentence and you get the same answer. It's not a question. It's a command just like the way you would write a google search.
You are wasting your time.
Just saying: I wouldn't write 10 lines of code when I can do it in 3.