GraphLinq IDE Update

The GraphLinq IDE has been updated with a few minor fixes, an update to an existing block, and two new blocks.

GraphLinq IDE Update
Photo by Christopher Gower / Unsplash

Greetings fellow no-code graphers! Some minor bug fixes and updates were made to the GraphLinq IDE. This is nothing so major that we need to tweet at CZ about getting GLQ listed (j/k please don't do that) or make a huge announcement about. Recently, I committed to providing better communication from the GraphLinq team and more consistent posts for the community. With that said, don't forget to join us this Sunday for the first GraphLinq Community Dev Chat. Let's dive into this update.

Fixed LiveCoinWatch Fetch Single Coin Block

The LiveCoinWatch Fetch Single Coin block allows for fetching coin data from the LiveCoinWatch API. Recently this block stopped working correctly. After much debugging of the code, I'm happy to announce that this block is working again.

New and Updated LiveCoinWatch Blocks

Two new blocks have been added to the LiveCoinWatch menu in the IDE. These new blocks are called Fetch Market Overview and Fetch Single Exchange. The market overview block returns totals for the entire crypto sector. One of the great features of the LiveCoinWatch API and this new block is that you can specify the fiat currency or cryptocurrency you would like the results displayed in. The results include liquidity, Bitcoin dominance, volume, and market cap.

The Fetch Single Exchange block returns data on a specific exchange. Just like with the market overview block, you can specify the fiat currency or cryptocurrency you would like the results displayed in. The results include volume, number of markets, total bids, total asks, depth, visitor count, average volume per visitor, and even a link to the exchange's official logo.

Besides fixing the bug in the Fetch Single Coin block, new functionality was added to this block to make it even better. Just like with the last two block, you can now specify the fiat currency or cryptocurrency you would like the results displayed in. The results now include all time high, circulating supply, total supply, max supply, price, volume, market cap, name, number of exchanges it trades on, the number of pairs available to trade, and even the official logo of the token.

For those that know me, I like to design my graphs to be easy to read and look good. So please excuse this screenshot of the new LiveCoinWatch blocks in action. I wanted to fit them all in one image without making it too small to see.

In the near future I will create new blocks for the rest of the LiveCoinWatch API endpoints. To learn more about the LiveCoinWatch API and to view all the API endpoints they offer, head over to when you're done reading. Please note that if you have a graph that uses the LiveCoinWatch Fetch Single Coin block, you will need to delete the block and add it again to see the update.

Array Block Fixed

A few members of the GraphLinq community noticed that there was a bug causing the Each Element In Array and Get Array Element At Index blocks to both show as the Each Element In Array block. This has been fixed.

Final Thoughts

If you are free on Sunday December 5th at 15:00 UTC (3:00PM UTC), I hope you will join the GraphLinq Community Dev Chat. The stream will be recorded and available for you to watch at any time if you can't be there for the live call.

For those of you who take the time to read my posts, please know that I really appreciate it. We are working hard over here at GraphLinq and I'm really looking forward to strengthening our community with all the new efforts we're starting to implement.

Here is a sample output in JSON format of the LiveCoinWatch blocks.

Market Overview
  "liquidity": 3170660523.0,
  "btcDominance": 0.39719120507377365,
  "volume": 154670875742.0,
  "cap": 2276287012662.0
Single Exchange
  "volume": 44048619705.0,
  "png64": "https://lcw..../exchanges/64/binance.png",
  "png128": "https://lcw.../exchanges/128/binance.png",
  "markets": 1291,
  "bidTotal": 161504206.9298346,
  "askTotal": 147523749.08926722,
  "depth": 309027956.01910186,
  "visitors": 1292566,
  "volumePerVisitor": 34078.42980938691
Single Coin
  "allTimeHighUSD": 0.10966683966210045,
  "circulatingSupply": 323000000.0,
  "totalSupply": 499999972.0,
  "maxSupply": 500000000.0,
  "rate": 0.03845219253314991,
  "volume": 6112029.0,
  "cap": 12420058.0,
  "name": "GraphLinq Protocol",
  "png32": "https://lcw.../currencies/32/glq.png",
  "png64": "https://lcw.../currencies/64/glq.png",
  "exchanges": 7,
  "markets": 9,
  "pairs": 3

(image urls provided were shortened for space)